Fidel starts learning Catechism before reaching 3 years old.
It is a wonderful time spend together in the evening before we go to bed.
Sometime we sit in our small garden and sometime, at the steps beside the swimming pool.
Dad will ask: 是谁创造了你?'Who created you?'
And you will answer:是神创造了我。'God created me.'Follow by: 神还创造了什么?'What else did He create?'
And you will answer: 所有的一切!'Everything else!'
And: 神为什么创造你和所有的一切?'Why did God create you and everything else?'
Your answer is: 为了荣耀他!'For His Glory!'.
At your present age of 3, you are able to memorize until question 7.
At your present age of 3, you are able to memorize until question 7.
Although you may not understand the meaning, implication and the importance of all those words, nevertheless, it is a good starts and beneficial to you in future to memorize those basic Christian teaching.
I hope you progress well, and Habel would be able to join us soon.
Then, we shall take turns to catechize each other under the moon light.