Son, 11.11.10 was one of the saddest day of my life.
My dad, your 'ye-ye' (爷爷), was called home to be with the Lord.
Sad not because he was called home, but because death has done its trick again, the ugly trick of 'Separation.'
Just a thought of 'I am not going to see my dad again', at least till eternity, is a heart piercing feeling.
I miss him, and I am sure Fidel too. And I am sorry for Habel, not being able to experience the caring love from 'ye-ye'.
'Ye-ye' was a caring dad when I was a kid.
Few little things he done for me and with me, still very well imprinted in my mind.
He used to bring me to 'morning walk' very often, at youth park, botanical garden, and the Hindu temple near botanical garden, and sometimes, Ayer Itam dam. I remember one incident, where while I was playing football at botanical garden, one monkey suddenly jumped down from a tree and grasped my ball, carried it up a tree.
Your 'ye-ye' taught me to play Chinese Chess.
He challenged me if I am able to beat him in a chess game, he will give me RM5.
I won many times. Looking back, I know he intentionally lose the game to me.
'Ye-ye' liked to brought us (me, my sisters and brother), for a ride in his car almost every night at one time.
We will go round botanical garden (at that time, we could drive in), gurney drive, and bought supper back. Most of the time, we fell asleep in the car before we reached home, and your 'ye-ye' will carry us one by one to our beds.
'Ye-ye' used to be a church deacon, and preached occasionally.
I once asked him, 'why your sermons are always short?'
He answered me, 'like a good durian, when you open it up, it only has few fruits inside.'
Until today, when I prepare my sermon or on the pulpit preaching, these words still reminding me that it is important to have clear and precise message in each sermon I preach.
Today, your dad is still involving in prison ministry.
This is also influenced by 'ye-ye'. He was the one who brought me into Penang prison and Pulau Jerejak (it used to be a detainees camp, which has been converted to resorts now). I well remember I sang duet '一件礼物' with a brother, in front of hundreds of prisoners, gathered and sat on the floor of basketball court. It brought a big impact to my young heart and mind.
Everyone have his ups and downs.
Though your 'ye-ye' was not a perfect person, and there was a period of time, where he brought much grief to your dad, he is still and forever my one and only daddy.
On the bed of the ICU, he said to me, 'I am not a good father, and I did not play my responsibility. Sorry to all of you.'
But I told 'ye-ye', 'yes you are, you brought us up and gave to us a good up-bringing environment when we were kids.'
Without a father, there will be no son.
In remembrance of him.
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